2022: The year English became a programming language
TLDR; Making a sticky notes app by typing a few sentences. Just check out the first prompt and the finished code at the end.
Previously on this channel we made a notepad and a partly working todo.txt app
This time we're making a sticky notes app.

Write a sticky notes application in ruby using gtk3. The window should look like post it note so the title bar needs to be invisible. A window should consist on one big text edit component covering the whole window except a space for the button to create a new sticky note. The window should automatically get bigger if the text grows. When a window is created, make a three digit random number called hoge. Automatically when the text edit component is changed write the contents of the sticky note into a file in the current directory with a filename that starts with note and contains the current date, and content of the hoge variable and ends with txt. When a new post it is created, choose one of (#ff7eb9,#ff65a3,#7afcff,#feff9c,#fff740) and set it as background color. On the bottom of the sticky note, make a transparent button, to create a new sticky note. When I click and drag the text edit component it should move the window. the code should be DRY. Just give me the code.
Here is an example of a sticky notes application in Ruby using GTK3:
require 'gtk3'
require 'date'
# Set the background colors for the sticky notes
NOTE_COLORS = ["#ff7eb9", "#ff65a3", "#7afcff", "#feff9c", "#fff740"]
# Generate a random three-digit number
def generate_hoge
# Save the contents of the sticky note to a file
def save_note(hoge, contents)
# Get the current date
date = DateTime.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# Create the file name
file_name = "note-#{date}-#{hoge}.txt"
# Open the file and write the contents
File.open(file_name, "w") do |file|
class StickyNoteWindow < Gtk::Window
def initialize(hoge)
# Set the title bar to be invisible
# Set the background color for the sticky note
self.override_background_color(:normal, Gdk::RGBA.parse(NOTE_COLORS.sample))
# Create the text edit component
@text_view = Gtk::TextView.new
# Add the text edit component to the window
# Set up the signal to save the contents of the text edit component
# when it is changed
@text_view.signal_connect "changed" do
save_note(hoge, @text_view.buffer.text)
# Set up the signal to move the window when the text edit component
# is clicked and dragged
@text_view.signal_connect "button-press-event" do |widget, event|
if event.button == 1
self.begin_move_drag(event.button, event.x_root, event.y_root, event.time)
# Set up the signal to create a new sticky note when the button is clicked
create_button = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Create new sticky note")
create_button.signal_connect "clicked" do
# Create the initial sticky note window
# Start the GTK main loop
This code creates a GTK window with an invisible title bar and a text edit component that takes up the entire window, except for a space at the bottom for a button to create a new sticky note. When the text edit component is changed, the contents of the sticky note are saved to a file in the current directory with a filename that includes the current date and a three-digit random number (called hoge). The window is given a background color chosen from a predefined list of colors. The window can be moved by clicking and dragging the text edit component. When
the button at the bottom of the window is clicked, a new sticky note window is created with a new random three-digit number.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Find errors in the code
There are a few errors in the code that I provided earlier:
- The set_decorated method needs to be passed a boolean value, but in the code it is being passed the symbol :toplevel. This should be changed to set_decorated(false).
- The override_background_color method takes two arguments: a state and a color. In the code, only the color argument is being passed. This should be changed to self.override_background_color(:normal, Gdk::RGBA.parse(NOTE_COLORS.sample)).
- The signal_connect method for the "changed" signal is missing a block. This should be changed to @text_view.signal_connect "changed" do to correctly define the block.
- The add method is being called on the create_button widget, but this method is only defined for the Gtk::Container class, which Gtk::Window inherits from. The create_button widget should be added to a container, such as a Gtk::Box, before being added to the window.
Here is the corrected code:
# Set the background color for the sticky note
self.override_background_color(:normal, Gdk::RGBA.parse(NOTE_COLORS.sample))
# Create the text edit component
@text_view = Gtk::TextView.new
# Add the text edit component to the window
# Set up the signal to save the contents of the text edit component
# when it is changed
@text_view.signal_connect "changed" do
save_note(hoge, @text_view.buffer.text)
# Create a container to hold the button
button_container = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical)
# Set up the signal to create a new sticky note when the button is clicked
create_button = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Create new sticky note")
create_button.signal_connect "clicked" do
# Add the container to the window
# Create the initial sticky note window
# Start the GTK main loop
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Hmm, there is no changed event
You are correct, there is no "changed" event in GTK. Instead, you can use the "buffer-changed" signal on the Gtk::TextView widget to detect changes to the text edit component.
Here is the corrected code: ...
I think you mean key-release-event Just give me the corrected code. Also I'm getting the following error. "Gtk-WARNING **: 18:59:23.397: Attempting to add a widget with type GtkBox to a GtkWindow, but as a GtkBin subclass a GtkWindow can only contain one widget at a time; it already contains a widget of type GtkTextView"
You are correct, the "key-release-event" signal should be used to detect changes to the text edit component. Here is the corrected code:
require 'gtk3'
require 'date'
# Set the background colors for the sticky notes
NOTE_COLORS = ["#ff7eb9", "#ff65a3", "#7afcff", "#feff9c", "#fff740"]
# Generate a random three-digit number
def generate_hoge
# Save the contents of the sticky note to a file
def save_note(hoge, contents)
# Get the current date
date = DateTime.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# Create the file name
file_name = "note-#{date}-#{hoge}.txt"
# Open the file and write the contents
File.open(file_name, "w") do |file|
class StickyNoteWindow < Gtk::Window
def initialize(hoge)
# Set the title bar to be invisible
# Set the background color for the sticky note
self.override_background_color(:normal, Gdk::RGBA.parse(NOTE_COLORS.sample))
# Create the text edit component
@text_view = Gtk::TextView.new
# Add the text edit component to the window
# Set up the signal to save the contents of the text edit component
# when a key is released
@text_view.signal_connect "key-release-event" do
save_note(hoge, @text_view.buffer.text)
# Set up the signal to move the window when the text edit component
# is clicked and dragged
@text_view.signal_connect "button-press-event" do |widget, event|
if event.button == 1
self.begin_move_drag(event.button, event.x_root, event.y_root, event.time)
# Create a container to hold the button
button_container = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical)
# Set up the signal to create a new sticky note when the button is clicked
create_button = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Create new sticky note")
create_button.signal_connect "clicked" do
# Add the container to the window
# Create the initial sticky note window
# Start the GTK main loop
Regarding the error you are receiving, it looks like you are trying to add more than one widget to the window. A Gtk::Window can only contain one widget at a time, so you will need to use a container, such as a `Gtk
::Box`, to hold multiple widgets.
To fix this error, you can modify the code as follows:
require 'gtk3'
require 'date'
# Set the background colors for the sticky notes
NOTE_COLORS = ["#ff7eb9", "#ff65a3", "#7afcff", "#feff9c", "#fff740"]
# Generate a random three-digit number
def generate_hoge
# Save the contents of the sticky note to a file
def save_note(hoge, contents)
# Get the current date
date = DateTime.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# Create the file name
file_name = "note-#{date}-#{hoge}.txt"
# Open the file and write the contents
File.open(file_name, "w") do |file|
class StickyNoteWindow < Gtk::Window
def initialize(hoge)
# Set the title bar to be invisible
# Set the background color for the sticky note
self.override_background_color(:normal, Gdk::RGBA.parse(NOTE_COLORS.sample))
# Create a container to hold the text edit component and the button
container = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical)
# Create the text edit component
@text_view = Gtk::TextView.new
# Add the text edit component to the container
# Set up the signal to save the contents of the text edit component
# when a key is released
@text_view.signal_connect "key-release-event" do
save_note(hoge, @text_view.buffer.text)
# Set up the signal to move the window when the text edit component
# is clicked and dragged
@text_view.signal_connect "button-press-event" do |widget, event|
if event.button == 1
self.begin_move_drag(event.button, event.x_root, event.y_root, event.time)
# Create the button
create_button = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Create new sticky note")
create_button.signal_connect "clicked" do
# Add the button to the container
# Add the container to the window
# Create the initial sticky note window
# Start the GTK main loop
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
No Window opens
It looks like there may be an issue with the code that is preventing the window from being shown.
One issue could be that the set_decorated method is being called before the call to super. The Gtk::Window class is a subclass of Gtk::Bin, and the Gtk::Bin class requires that the initialize method of the parent class be called before any other methods are called.
To fix this, you can move the call to set_decorated after the call to super. Here is the corrected code: ...
I think win.signal_connect("destroy") { Gtk.main_quit } win.show_all are missing
You are correct, the signal_connect method and the show_all method are missing from the code.
The signal_connect method is used to set up a signal handler for the "destroy" signal, which is emitted when the window is closed. The Gtk.main_quit method is called when the signal is emitted, which will exit the GTK main loop and terminate the program.
The show_all method is used to show all the widgets in the window.
Here is the corrected code:
signal_connect("destroy") { Gtk.main_quit }
# Show all the widgets in the window
# Create the initial sticky note window
# Start the GTK main loop
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
Ok great. However, I cannot see the background color. Make the text edit component transparent. Also please make the window 5 lines high when it is created.
To make the text edit component transparent, you can set the opacity property to 0. This will make the component fully transparent.
You can also set the height property of the text edit component to specify the number of lines it should be.
Here is the modified code:
# Create the text edit component
@text_view = Gtk::TextView.new
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
Nono, instead of opaque text edit. Set the background color of the text edit and the background color of the button to the same as the window background color. Also make sure that the window is at least 400 pixel tall and grows with the text edit. Remove the set_height of the text edit.
To set the background color of the text edit component and the button to the same color as the window, you can use the override_background_color method. This method takes two arguments: the state of the widget (in this case :normal) and a Gdk::RGBA object representing the color.
To make the window at least 400 pixels tall and grow with the text edit component, you can set the set_size_request method of the container to specify the minimum height of the container. You can also use the set_vexpand property of the text edit component to make it expand to fill the available space in the container.
Here is the modified code:
require 'gtk3'
require 'date'
# Set the background colors for the sticky notes
NOTE_COLORS = ["#ff7eb9", "#ff65a3", "#7afcff", "#feff9c", "#fff740"]
# Generate a random three-digit number
def generate_hoge
# Save the contents of the sticky note to a file
def save_note(hoge, contents)
# Get the current date
date = DateTime.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# Create the file name
file_name = "note-#{date}-#{hoge}.txt"
# Open the file and write the contents
File.open(file_name, "w") do |file|
class StickyNoteWindow < Gtk::Window
def initialize(hoge)
# Set the title bar to be invisible
# Set the background color for the sticky note
bg_color = Gdk::RGBA.parse(NOTE_COLORS.sample)
self.override_background_color(:normal, bg_color)
# Create a container to hold the text edit component and the button
container = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical)
container.set_size_request(400, -1)
# Create the text edit component
@text_view = Gtk::TextView.new
@text_view.override_background_color(:normal, bg_color)
# Add the text edit component to the container
# Set up the signal to save the contents of the text edit component
# when a key is released
@text_view.signal_connect "key-release-event" do
save_note(hoge, @text_view.buffer.text)
# Set up the signal to move the window when the text edit component
# is clicked and dragged
@text_view.signal_connect "button-press-event" do |widget, event|
if event.button == 1
self.begin_move_drag(event.button, event.x_root, event.y_root, event.time)
# Create the button
create_button = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Create new sticky note")
create_button.override_background_color(:normal, bg_color)
create_button.signal_connect "clicked" do
# Add the button to the container
# Add the container to the window
# Set up the signal to exit the GTK main loop when the window is closed
signal_connect("destroy") { Gtk.main_quit }
# Show all the widgets in the window
# Create the initial sticky note window
#Start the GTK main loop
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks ChatGPT. How in the world did this work
How do I make the font much bigger?
To make the font in the text edit component larger, you can use the override_font method. This method takes a Pango::FontDescription object as an argument, which represents the font to be used.
You can create a Pango::FontDescription object using the Pango::FontDescription.new method, and set the size of the font using the size= method. The size is specified in points, with 72 points equal to one inch.
Here is an example of how you can make the font in the text edit component larger:
font_description = Pango::FontDescription.new
font_description.size = 36
You can adjust the size of the font to your liking by setting the size property to a different value.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
I can't see any font now
If you are unable to see the font in the text edit component after setting the font size, it is possible that the text color is set to the same color as the background color.
To set the text color, you can use the override_color method of the text view. This method takes two arguments: the state of the widget (in this case :normal) and a Gdk::RGBA object representing the color.
Here is an example of how you can set the text color to black:
text_color = Gdk::RGBA.parse("#000000")
@text_view.override_color(:normal, text_color)
You can adjust the text color to your liking by setting the Gdk::RGBA object to a different color.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
I still cannot see the font
If you are still unable to see the font in the text edit component after setting the text color, it is possible that the font size is too large for the widget.
To troubleshoot this issue, you can try reducing the font size to see if the font becomes visible. If the font becomes visible when the size is reduced, you may need to adjust the size of the widget to make it large enough to display the font at the desired size.
You can set the size of the widget using the set_size_request method. This method takes two arguments: the width and height of the widget in pixels.
For example, to set the size of the widget to 800x600 pixels, you can use the following code:
@text_view.set_size_request(800, 600)
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
I think it's the font description. How do I set the default font?
To set the default font for the text edit component, you can use the override_font method and pass it a Pango::FontDescription object with no specific size or style.
You can create a Pango::FontDescription object with the default font by using the Pango::FontDescription.new method with no arguments.
Here is an example of how you can set the default font for the text edit component:
font_description = Pango::FontDescription.new
Alternatively, you can use the Pango::FontDescription.from_string method to create a Pango::FontDescription object from a string representation of the font.
For example, to set the font to "Sans 12", you can use the following code:
font_description = Pango::FontDescription.from_string("Sans 12")
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks ChatGPT. I can't really belive that this worked. The trick is really trying to figure out what you are asking for. It did come up with lots of things on it's own. For instance it didnt set the background colors correctly at first, because I asked the wrong way. I'm really hopeful about this technology, I even sent Sam Altman a job application E-Mail (chatgpt generated). If he gets back to me, we'll know how good it is.
Final Code with minimal human changes (font)
require 'gtk3'
require 'date'
# Set the background colors for the sticky notes
NOTE_COLORS = ["#ff7eb9", "#ff65a3", "#7afcff", "#feff9c", "#fff740"]
# Generate a random three-digit number
def generate_hoge
# Save the contents of the sticky note to a file
def save_note(hoge, contents)
# Get the current date
date = DateTime.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# Create the file name
file_name = "note-#{date}-#{hoge}.txt"
# Open the file and write the contents
File.open(file_name, "w") do |file|
class StickyNoteWindow < Gtk::Window
def initialize(hoge)
# Set the title bar to be invisible
# Set the background color for the sticky note
bg_color = Gdk::RGBA.parse(NOTE_COLORS.sample)
self.override_background_color(:normal, bg_color)
# Create a container to hold the text edit component and the button
container = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical)
container.set_size_request(250, 250)
# Create the text edit component
@text_view = Gtk::TextView.new
@text_view.override_background_color(:normal, bg_color)
# font_description = Pango::FontDescription.new
# font_description.size = 8
# @text_view.override_font(font_description)
font_description = Pango::FontDescription.from_string("Comic Sans MS 12")
text_color = Gdk::RGBA.parse("#000000")
@text_view.override_color(:normal, text_color)
# Add the text edit component to the container
# Set up the signal to save the contents of the text edit component
# when a key is released
@text_view.signal_connect "key-release-event" do
save_note(hoge, @text_view.buffer.text)
# Set up the signal to move the window when the text edit component
# is clicked and dragged
@text_view.signal_connect "button-press-event" do |widget, event|
if event.button == 1
self.begin_move_drag(event.button, event.x_root, event.y_root, event.time)
# Create the button
create_button = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "Create new sticky note")
create_button.override_background_color(:normal, bg_color)
create_button.signal_connect "clicked" do
font_description = Pango::FontDescription.from_string("Comic Sans MS 12")
# Add the button to the container
# Add the container to the window
# Set up the signal to exit the GTK main loop when the window is closed
signal_connect("destroy") { Gtk.main_quit }
# Show all the widgets in the window
# Create the initial sticky note window
# Start the GTK main loop